Monday, January 31, 2011

Everyone has to "Just 2 It!"

Safety is always a huge concern for college campuses. In 1993, the University of West Florida (UWF) ran a campaign to help increase safety around campus after a rape was reported on campus. The "Just 2 It!" Campaign was a successful way ask everyone to walk the campus in groups of 2 or more. The UWF used bookmarks, T-shirts, cups and posters with the logo for the program to help promote the program and encourage travelers to walk in pairs. Another interesting  way the University did to encourage walking in pairs was that they wrote a letter to each professor and asked them to tell all of their students about this campaign.

The "Just 2 It!" Campaign was highly profitable. By the word profit I mean able to accomplish their goal. The Univeristy of West Florida was able to gain so much attention and able state the reason to travel in pairs, without relying solely on posters. What was really interesting in this case, was that 77% of the students who took surveys knew of the program. The University took interesting approaches to spreading word and made "Just 2 It!" a success!

 For full story click here 

Since Then.....

In 2006, the University of West Florida decided to create a new campain, "Stay Safe, Stay Together," based on the success of the "Just 2 It" Campain. "Stay Safe, Stay Together" reminds students not walk alone at night, but if they must there are several new security features that they can utilize on campus. They came up with posters to grab the students' attention. The one below is one of the creative posters the campaign created.

For more information click here