Wednesday, April 27, 2011

'Pinterest'ing Idea

Everyone has heard of Facebook and Twitter and how successful they were at gaining members. Now there is a new platform, that may not make it as big, but definitely is interesting.

Pinterest is it's name. It is a new platform of social media that is geared for those who are more visual. Pinterest is like online bulletin boards about the person's interests, inspirations or other things worth mentioning. Nathan Burgess mentions that is a mixture or Flickr and Delicious. Users can fill their bulletins by "pinning" pictures from online or pictures they have created.

Just when you think they have thought of everything, something new comes along. This new platform is definitely interesting to say the least. However, I don't know if it will take off like Twitter and Facebook. In order to post or receive posts, you have to be invited. So it is not exactly easy to begin on your own. Maybe if more words get out there and advertising goes well then this can become the new fad, but for now, I think Facebook and Twitter will be in use for a while.

For a view of the Pinterest account and more information, click here.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Being Prepared

A huge tornado hit the North Carolina on Saturday. Thanks to one manager at Lowe's more lives were saved due to his quick thinking. This story is truly amazing. He was able to save over 60 people from a deadly tornado that had already taken the lives of 21 individuals.

More and more people need to have crisis training. Mother nature is full of surprises and you never know when she will strike. Being prepared is always important, especially when its a life or death situation. Michael Hollowell saved many lives that were all in his Lowe's store, but he does not consider himself a hero.

Anyone can show this amount of "heroism" if they are prepared for the worst at all times.

For the full story, click here

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


For the past few month Licoln Hall Council and myself have been coordinating the 6th Annual "Cause for Fashion" Fashion Show. This year we are supporting One Hope United. The night is going to be filled with fun. Studens are the models and are representing each line with their own personal style. As is a Fashion Show wasn't enough, entertainment will also be included. Some Local EIU students/performers will perform in between lines. This should be GREAT!

Okay so we got a Fashion Show and music, but there's even more. Fondue were also be there for guests to snack on. And at the end of the show there will be a raffle to many local businesses. A student will also be selling her own jewelry and giving 50% of the proceeds to One Hope United.

This should be a great event. It takes place Sunday April 17th at &pm in  Stevenson Lobby. We are asking guests to please donate $2 or other hygiene donations (such as toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo/conditioner).

Hope to see you all there!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Too young

When I saw this video, I could not believe what I was hearing. A mom thinks that injecting her 8 year daughter with botox will make her a superstar. I have never heard of anything like it. To be honest, I don't see the point of botox for grown adults, nonetheless children.

This saddens me to think that todays society stresses the importance of looks so much that people feel the need to take such drastic measures. What happened to loving someone for who they are? I know real life is tough and everyone needs to stand out. But to me feeling the need to give an 8 year old botox to make her a superstar is ridiculous. She hasn't even reached puberty yet.

That's why media has gone too far. I understand that they want to sell a product, but to an 8 year old? To me that just seems like they are all desperate. To me, this girl is too young to be receiving any sort of injections to make her any type of star. The media needs to stop worrying about looks and focus more on personalities.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Get Involved!

Many people are trying to prevent sexual assault across the world. The United States has established April as Sexual Assault Awareness month. The NSVRC wants the everyday bystander to find responsible ways to intervene and spread awareness.  SAAM(Sexual Assault Awareness Month) is a way to help keep relationships, families, communities, etc. safe, by reinforcing the need for prevention efforts.

This year, SAAM decided to go with the "bystander" approach.They want everyday people/witnesses to speak up and help keep communities safe. The theme for this year's campaign is "it's get involved." For this SAAM campaign, people are to take and post pictures of themselves holding clocks; symbolizing that it is time to get involved. They ask that people post it in their communities as well as have Facebook and Twitter users change their profile pictures to them with the clocks. This event will take place on April 5, 2011.

I think this campaign can do well if the word gets out. Facebook and Twitter are rising each day and the more people seem to use the media tools the more it spreads. So lets raise awareness any way that we can!

More information visit

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Midterm Project

For the past few weeks, I have been working on my midterm project for my CMN 3500 class. I chose to create a print piece, more specifically a brochure. I am usually used to the regular brochure where you print it out and pass it around, but this time I decided to make a brochure that was meant for viewers to view online.

This piece is about Lincoln Hall Council, which I am currently involved in. I wanted to reflect what Hall Council can truly do for everyone. We pride ourselves on making Lincoln Hall the best it can be and create numerous opportunities for so many residents.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Let Reeses help you spread the love!

IPod- Helps bring people together

Let IPod help you connect with inspiration

Monday, January 31, 2011

Everyone has to "Just 2 It!"

Safety is always a huge concern for college campuses. In 1993, the University of West Florida (UWF) ran a campaign to help increase safety around campus after a rape was reported on campus. The "Just 2 It!" Campaign was a successful way ask everyone to walk the campus in groups of 2 or more. The UWF used bookmarks, T-shirts, cups and posters with the logo for the program to help promote the program and encourage travelers to walk in pairs. Another interesting  way the University did to encourage walking in pairs was that they wrote a letter to each professor and asked them to tell all of their students about this campaign.

The "Just 2 It!" Campaign was highly profitable. By the word profit I mean able to accomplish their goal. The Univeristy of West Florida was able to gain so much attention and able state the reason to travel in pairs, without relying solely on posters. What was really interesting in this case, was that 77% of the students who took surveys knew of the program. The University took interesting approaches to spreading word and made "Just 2 It!" a success!

 For full story click here 

Since Then.....

In 2006, the University of West Florida decided to create a new campain, "Stay Safe, Stay Together," based on the success of the "Just 2 It" Campain. "Stay Safe, Stay Together" reminds students not walk alone at night, but if they must there are several new security features that they can utilize on campus. They came up with posters to grab the students' attention. The one below is one of the creative posters the campaign created.

For more information click here